Why Everyone Needs to Strength Train
As we age, we naturally lose muscle mass. Without strength training, this loss can lead to weakness, poor balance, and a higher risk of falls and injuries.
This Is What Yoga Is For
The chaos continues through the nights, through the weekends, through the never-ending chimes of news alerts on our phones.
Wellness Tips for February
In order to balance the cold, dry, brittle, rough, mobile qualities of Vata, try these simple ideas:
The Best Kind of Discipline
The best kind of discipline is the kind you used to make lasting change for the better.
Stillness Amidst Chaos
You must take breaks, especially away from news. But also take breaks to ground, center, and connect.
Feeling Low and Slow? Try These Kapha-Reducing Tips
Kapha, which has elements of Earth and Water, is moist, heavy, cold, dull, and dense. Here are some tips for reducing Kapha Energy.
Embracing What Is: Winter Edition
The cold and darkness of winter lends encourages more rest, more quiet, more ease as we slow down and turn inward.
Winter is Coming- 5 Things to Help You Celebrate
Now is the perfect time to slow down, reflect, and prioritize our well-being.
SoulShine Is Born
Now more than ever we need community connection that supports our personal growth and wellness.
My Ideal Student
First, my ideal student is naturally curious. She wants to learn about movement in her body. She is open to understanding her mind. She is intrigued by spiritual practice.
5 Ways to Start Your Day Right
No, it’s not more coffee that you need in order to have a good morning. Follow these tips from yoga’s sister science, Ayurveda, to get your day off to a great start.
Simple Ways to Ease into Fall
Vata’s qualities are light, dry, clear, mobile and cold. Notice how the trees mimic these traits by becoming dry, crunchy and quickly moving through the clear, crisp sky.
5 Myths About Yoga
When I give people my "elevator speech" about why yoga is right for every BODY, some like to tell me why they are somehow different and can't do yoga. I call BS!
YOU Are Your Best Teacher
I’ve never had guru syndrome. I’ve never pretended to have all the answers about someone else’s asana practice.
Yoga for Your Type
Ayurvedic Yoga can help you practice in a way that best suits your dosha, or energy type, namely Kapha, Pitta, and Vata.