Connect, Grow, Thrive, and Let Your Soul Shine

Making changes to support your wellness is easier when in community. SoulShine is a member-focused wellness community for the spiritually curious, dedicated to personal and planetary evolution. Our wellness modalities include yoga, meditation, connection calls, seasonal gatherings and more!

Welcome to SoulShine

Welcome your new community of like-hearted people who share the common goals of self-improvement, better health, and a happier life. Here, we allow ourselves to be led by spirit while staying fully embodied and grounded in aligned action. Whether you’re new to your wellness journey or you’ve been walking the path for a long time, everyone is welcome here. My sincere wish is for us all to heal our planet by first healing ourselves. We’re living during extra-ordinary times, and we have all chosen to be here now. Let’s discover our why and make our way out of the madness and into deep peace and fulfillment. Are you ready?

  • By offering a compassionate and practical approach, SoulShine is designed to help support you on your wellness journey. We use a variety of spiritual systems including yoga, meditation, rituals, and weekly community check-ins to help you connect with the wise, intuitive part of you that holds all the answers.

  • By joining SoulShine, you will gain access to weekly, monthly, and on-demand touchpoints to keep you on your path to wellness.

    You’ll receive instant access to hundreds of on-demand yoga and meditation classes as well as being automatically enrolled in all the upcoming live sessions.

    Our live connection calls are a cornerstone of this community, providing a space for you to check -in on your journey, receive support, and gain insights.

    With membership you will feel calm, inspired, understood, and nurtured every step of your journey toward wellness.

  • Because spiritual growth and development is so important to our greater community and our planet, we are offering "pay what you can" membership options. Options start as low as $35/month, and you can cancel anytime. We also have a limited amount of free or lower cost options available, please contact Cindy directly if you're interested.

  • The only way to access my weekly yoga classes and replays is by joining the SoulShine Membership. With the 'Pay What You Can' cost structure, you are welcome to only pay for what you believe your weekly class(es) are worth to you. You are also welcome to take advantage of the other member benefits, or not. SoulShine is what you make of it. We're happy to have you no matter what you decide!

  • I'm sorry if you're having trouble. I am happy to assist you during regular business hours, or off hours if I'm available! Send me an email to, or text me at 703-989-8316 (but be sure to tell me your name). Thanks!

Have a question that isn’t covered above?

Your SoulShine Membership Includes the Following

Things to Support Your Wellness:

  • Two Live Yoga Classes/Week

    Getting into your body and out of your head increases an overall sense of well-being.

    Yoga classes can vary in length and are livestreamed on Monday and Thursday at 9:30am EST. Replays are added to the video library.

  • One Meditation/Week

    The best way to befriend your mind, meditation is key to feeling content and balanced.

    Guided meditations vary between 5-30 minutes long, and are livestreamed at the end of Monday’s Yoga class. The replay is added to the library.

  • Access to the Video Library

    On-demand, searchable yoga practices to address your specific wellness needs.

    The Video Library includes past classes and courses, including the popular “Everyday Yoga for Mature Yogis.”

  • Weekly Connection Calls

    Feeling connected to others is one of our most basic human needs, and is a key component of your well-being.

    On Wednesday evenings at 7:00pm EST we gather together for 45 minutes to answer questions, share, and enjoy each other’s company.

  • Special Seasonal Gatherings

    Rituals give more meaning to life and help you lean into the natural cycles of life.

    Our in-person and/or online gatherings celebrate the most sacred of celestial events. Next gathering is the Spring Equinox on March 21, 2025.

  • Anytime Email Access

    Your personal path to wellness may include receiving feedback from someone who’s been there.

    With the SoulShine email access, you can ask me questions or get personalized guidance about your journey.


Whether you’re all-in on all we offer, or you only want to take yoga a few times a month, we have flexible pricing options that make SoulShine accessible. Members pay between $35-$108/month, and you get to choose through our ‘pay what you can’ plan.

'Pay what you can' by choosing one of the six options, the only difference is what you pay. We strive to keep this community accessible to everyone. Please choose the price that is comfortable for you based on your personal needs and participation level. Your generosity helps keep the site thriving. Thank you!

✓ Video Library of Yoga Classes, Courses and Meditations
✓ New Yoga Classes Weekly
✓ Seasonal Gatherings
✓ Connection Calls
✓ Anytime Email Access

Have a question? Contact me by using the form below. I’ll get back to you within one business day.