Stillness Amidst Chaos

The card I pulled today for class was from the Sacred Forest Oracle deck by Denise Linn, and it was “Reflecting Pool-Stillness.” She says, “In stillness, your power emerges. Tap into your inner sacred witness, to discover the dwelling place of your soul. In profound peace and silence, you can discover the truth of your being.

If you are in pain, go into the stillness until you find the source. Resist the temptation to indulge in feelings of overwhelm, urgency, and emergency. There is always a higher truth…seek it out. Your soul loves what is real and honest.

In quietude, the truth emerges. Move past the bustle and chatter of life into sweet stillness. Allow the chaos of the outer world to roll off your back the way water rolls off the back of a duck. Surrender to it. Seek solitude to hear the voice of Spirit, and serenity will follow.”

This time around we already know the chaos that is about to occur. Our new president is an agent of chaos. We saw it before, and it’s been ramping up again since Election Day. I want to remind you how much more difficult life is when you allow yourself to get wrapped up in the day-to-day storms that are sure to come. You must take breaks, especially away from news. But also take breaks to ground, center, and connect. The only way out is through, and the only way through is by taking care of yourself and your community.

I encourage you to have a daily grounding and clearing practice. Take time for stillness each day. The more chaotic you feel, the more time you need to spend in stillness. A few things to try:

1. Sit, stand, or lie down for a few minutes. Set a timer if you need to. Focus on becoming steady and quiet in body. Pretend you’re a tree or a rock and amplify the stillness you feel physically. It may start to make some temporary stillness in your mind.

2. Clear your energy field. Place your hand on the top of your head, and say to yourself (outloud or internally), “Everything that is not my own, leaves my energy field now.” Then, take a deep breath in and imagine light sweeping from your hand down your body as you exhale. You can even imagine energy that’s not yours being swept away in the shower of light.

3. Connect with others. Have tea, have a chat, or go for a walk with someone who feels supportive. Leaning into our friends and loved ones is a great way to weather any storm. It’s very easy to isolate when we feel overwhelmed, but it often will make us feel worse not better. Remember we have a weekly Connection Call on Wednesdays at 7:00pm to help you connect with others in SoulShine. Last week we all felt lighter and better after spending time together.

We can do this. Love you all!


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