The Best Kind of Discipline

The best kind of discipline is the kind you used to make lasting change for the better. Many of us struggle with making changes, and there are a LOT of factors that cause our regressions. But, all the excuses might just come down to a lack of discipline. Here’s a story about how discipline changed my life in the best possible way.

It was Tuesday, September 27, 2005. The class started normally enough, just the regular crowd, and our amazing teacher. She was always good at subtly and not so subtly schooling us on yoga and meditation. However, this was not a normal class with a subtle theme, this was a class that changed my life forever. I referred to it as “Discipline Day” in my journal.

My teacher during her opening remarks casually said to the class, “Everyone should practice yoga and meditate every day. Commit to doing it every day for 30 days, so it becomes a habit. Wake up earlier, and practice. Most people can’t do it because they lack discipline.” Well, you may not know this about me, but the fastest way to get me to do something is to tell me I can’t. The only thing I can’t do is back down from a challenge. I will win, it’s my nature. And so began my daily practice.

It did take a LOT of discipline at first. My kids were 5 and 1.5 years old at the time, and they got up early. So I had to get up even earlier to fit in a practice before they needed me.  I’d like to say I just did it every day forever, and that was the end of it. But it was so much work at first. And the changes were so subtle, I doubted it was doing anything for me. So eventually I stopped.

Stopping after the first month made me realize quite profoundly how well the practice was working for me. The first day I missed morning practice, I was a mean mommy. I had a short fuse and lots of irritability. Could it have been the practice that I was missing? Perhaps.

The next day I got up early and practiced. Then throughout the day I was patient, I was loving. I was the kind of mommy I wanted my kids to have. But I had to try the experiment a few times before I could confirm it was indeed my daily yoga and meditation that made me a better mom, and a better person. So now, yes, I do it every day even though my kids are out of the house and I don’t have the opportunity to be mean mommy anymore. It is indeed a habit that I will most likely NEVER break.

In the coming weeks or months I hope you will recognize the importance of sticking with your yoga and meditation practices. They will help you stay grounded in aligned action, and allow you to share your best self with those around you. I wish you much peace.


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